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BADLAPUR - The Story of Revenge | Anmol Bist

BADLAPUR - The Story of Revenge: A Spine-Chilling Short Film on YouTube Are you ready to embark on a chilling journey into the realms of revenge,…

self-realization : Moral Story

Once a boy had reared a snake, and he loved snakes very much. He played with snakes , ate with it , and put it to sleep with himself . On…

कथा : मेरी बहिनि ( अभागी दाजु ) – एक मार्मिक कथा

कथा : मेरी बहिनि ( अभागी दाजु ) – एक मार्मिक कथा Nepali साहित्यको एउटा गहिरो अंश हो – दाजु-बहिनीको सम्बन्ध। हाम्रो नयाँ ब्लग 'कथा : मेरी बहिनि ( …

कथा : सौतेनी आमाको बेथा ( आमा )

लेखक : अनमोल बिष्ट   देखतभुली, कञ्चनपुर   एक दिनको काहानी हो मीेर्मीरे उज्यालो हुदै थ्यो , कुखुराको भालेको आवाज…

Student And Teacher : Moral Story

A student said to the principal. Sir Sir Sir ! I lost the expensive watch that my father gave me on my birthday. Principal: Where did y…
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