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the short tempered demon

The Short Tempered Demon

     Once upon a time, in the fiery recesses of the demiworld, there was a demon named Grumpus. Grumpus was known throughout the demon realm for his incredibly short temper. Any little thing could set him off, and formerly he was angry, there was no calming him down. One day, Grumpus decided to take a break from his usual conditioning of causing chaos and destruction and adventure over to the mortal world. He wanted to see if he could find anything there that might help him calm his fiery temper. So, Grumpus made his way to a small vill on the outskirts of city. As he wandered the thoroughfares, he could not help but notice how peaceful everything was. There were no riots of terror, no structures worsening to the ground, no fires burning out of control. It was allso.boring. Suddenly, Grumpus heard a sound that made his blood pustule. It was the sound of a child crying. He followed the sound to a small cabin on the edge of the vill. As he approached, he could see a youthful girl sitting outdoors, gashes streaming down her face. " What is the matter, little mortal?" Grumpus growled. The girl looked up at him with big, teary eyes." My cat is stuck in the tree," she blubbed

            . Grumpus rolled his eyes." Is that all? I will get your stupid cat down." And with that, he stormed over to the tree and began climbing up it. But as Grumpus reached for the cat, a unforeseen gust of wind blew through the trees, causing him to lose his grip. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. Enraged, Grumpus jumped to his feet and let out a roar that shook the ground. Suddenly, the sky turned black, and lightning began to strike all around him. The townies watched in horror as Grumpus's rage grew stronger and stronger. They had noway seen anything like it ahead. Just when it sounded like all stopgap was lost, the little girl stepped forward."Mr. Demon," she said vocally," I am sorry for making you angry. Please do not hurt anyone." Grumpus broke, taken suddenly by the girl's kindness.

 For the first time in his life, he realized that his short temper was causing detriment to those around him. And with that, Grumpus made a decision. He'd work on his wrathfulness issues and try to be a kinder, more patient demon.

 From that day on, Grumpus was known not for his short temper, but for his kind heart and amenability to help others. And the townies of that small city noway forgot the day they met the short tempered demon who learned to control his rage.

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