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Can Quantum battery will replace the Fossil fuels in coming future ? 

Quantum battery is the device that stores energy of the absorbed photons and can  be charged simply by shining light on it...

Can Quantum battery will replace the Fossil fuels in coming future ? 

 Quantum battery is the device that stores energy of the absorbed photons and can  be charged simply by shining light on it. New technology has been developed that uses nuclear waste to generate electricity in a nuclear powered battery.

Nano - diamond battery is the US - based startup that has combined radioactive isotopes  from the nuclear waste with ultra - slim layers of nano - diamond to assemble a battery that will last upto 28,000 years . Radioactive batteries are made through a process called chemical vapour deposition , which is widely used for artificial diamond manufacturer.

There is around 40 trillion tons of uranium in Earth's crust , but most is distributed at low part per million Trace concentration over its 3*10^19 ton mass. Uranium is now primarily used as fuel for nuclear reactors that produces electricity. It can be recovered in two ways : by conventional mining ⛏️ of rock (ore) , or by using strong chemical like ( conc. H₂SO₄) to dissolve uranium from the rock that is still in the ground and pumping it to the surface .

Radioactive element  , eg - Technetium , Polonium , Radon , Uranium , Plotonium , Fermium , Einsteinium , Thorium , Curium  ,.... 
Etc .

Uranium ; U- 235 and U-238 Occur naturally in nearly all rock , soil and water and is now used to power commercial nuclear reactors that produces electricity and to produce isotopes used for medical , industrial and defense purposes around the world .
If at least one neutron from each fission strikes another U-235 nucleus and initiates fission ,then the chain reaction is sustained.

[ 92 235 U + 1 neutron → 36 92 K r + 56 141 B a + 3 neutrons + energy.]

 The half - life of uranium -238 is about 4.5 billions years , uranium -235 about 700 million years and uranium - 234 about 250 thousand years .

Radioactive waste is a type of hazardous waste that contains radioactive material. Total all around the world , more than 2,000 metric tons of radioactive waste  is generated per year , according to the DoE .(Design of Experiment)
According to consensus In The scientific community , geological repositories - which would store nuclear material deep within the earth's surface in safe , scientifically proven locations - represent the safest and most cost - effective method for permanently disposing of spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste  .

                                     Critical thinker
                               - Mr Anmol Sotang Rai 

At high doses , ionizing radiation can causes immediate damage to a person's body , including ,at very high doses, radioactive sickness and ultimately dead . At lower doses , ionizing radiation can causes health effects such as cardiovascular disease and cataract , as well as Cancer .
( Madam , Marie curie ) is remembered for her discovery of Radium and Polonium and her huge contribution to finding treatment for cancer .
 Sadly , she passed away due to her own discovery . i.e   ( by radioactive poisoning)

Quantum battery can replace the Fossil fuel's crisis in future  due to its durability and rechargability .It can be used in quantum computer , satellite 🛰️ , E - Vehicles , places where 24/7 , electricity is needed like (factories , Research Lab , Hospital etc  ..)  Quantum battery will be futuristic and renewable source of energy which can eliminate the problem of Radioactive waste 's ☢️  disposal  . If we could make the Quantum battery 🔋, then the crisis of fossil fuel may be ended and let's hope  , we 
Step up to Type - II civilization from now Type -I 
Civilization !!!!!!!!!!!!

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