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Story: Bishalu Maya


✍ Author: - Anmol Bist (Dipendra) 

     Kanchanpur, Nepal


    Dipendra was traveling in a bus. A girl was sitting in the seat where he was sitting. She was laughing and talking to the bus conductor. Dipendra saw the girl's speech, nervous eyes and pink lips and fell in love at first sight.

Dipendra tries to talk to the girl but he is embarrassed to speak as he is unaware. After a while, he speaks in eights. The girl also started talking to Dipendra with a smile.
They exchange phone numbers for conversations.
After a few days, they would start talking on iMo, messenger all night long and in their free time they would call and play ludo on facebook.
Dipendra had fallen in love with the girl and the girl also acted as if she loved Dipendra.
It was the girl's birthday. At 12 o'clock at night, Dipendra first posts a birthday wish on Facebook and calls the girl and says happy birthday piyari. The girl happily says "Thank you soo much and I love you Gory".
Dipendra's heart throbs with joy when he hears the girl say "i love you".
The girl says softly, "I would be even happier if you were with me when I cut the cake."
Dipendra "I come to see you"
The girl seems to be joking and says come on.
Dipendra buys a gift and rides a bike 156 kilometers away to meet the girl.
When Dipendra reached there, the girl's father was announcing the marriage of the girl with the lawyer. The girl also looked very happy. Dipendra hides his eyes from there and reaches home overnight.
The other girl finds out that Dipendra had come yesterday and when she opens Facebook, it is seen that Dipendra has posted a video of her engagement and blocks Dipendra.
After being betrayed in love, he began to hate seeing his own life. After not drinking alcohol, he became insane. After a few days, he started taking drugs.
One night, the thick fog was not visible. Dipendra was walking slowly with the light of a dim torch, when suddenly he started screaming. He was in the hospital the next day when he woke up. Her brother comes to the hospital and talks to the doctor and the doctor says, "It will take time for the report to come. I will call you when the report arrives.
It is a matter of one day. He was sitting in the distillery drinking. After a while, Dipendra's friend also arrives and Dipendra says in a sad voice in Madhira's vein.
"Friend, never lose sight of our friendship. Even if something happened to me, I would not be sad if you thought I was with you."😔
(His friend) "Shut up, why are you doing such things all of a sudden today?"😡
(U) "Dude, this god has played a lot of games in my life.😧😩
(His friend) "Dude, why are you talking about what hurts?"
(U) "There was always talk on Facebook. I didn't know each other but I felt like my own. I didn't know how many times I fell in love while talking. The house was very far away. There are quantities.😭😭"
(His friend) "Don't be sad man, friend, everything is fine, don't worry ... you can drink a lot, now go home. It's too late at night."
(They head home)
Seeing Dipendra in such a condition, his brother was also very worried. My brother used to say, "I love that girl so much, I will bring that girl for you, but my friend, why don't you accept this?😔😔
But Dipendra used to come home in the middle of the night with nerves every day.
A few days later
Daju gets a call from the hospital and tells Dipendra to take care of him who is on the verge of death.
After 2-4 days, the girl's wedding invitation comes.
On the day of the wedding, he sends a gift to his friend and goes to the distillery.
He was rejoicing in his nerves. Suddenly, as the doctor said, that day became his last day.💔💔
Her body was being prepared for her wedding.😧😧
Malamis were coming here and there.💔💔
The conch was ringing here and Naumati was ringing here.😭😭
The corpse was in the pyre while she was in the mandapa.😔😔
There were tears and sadness in everyone's eyes, there was laughter and happiness.🥺🥺
Here she was burnt to ashes, there she was loved by her husband.😔🥺😫
When the bride arrives home, she first opens the gift given by the boy. It had a photo of her taken earlier while on tour but it was just a cropped photo of her.💔💔. She finds a letter with the gift and reads ...
"I am a human being, I may have made a mistake unknowingly, forgive me. In this short life, when there is happiness, when there is sorrow, when there is sorrow, do not panic and always smile on your lips. I feel your sorrow, I am happy with you. I am unlucky, dear, you will remain unlucky. Your memory will correct your heartache, fainting. Of course, you have already become dear to others, take care of your husband, let no one look at your partner. (Happy Married Life) "

Author :- Anmol Bist (Dipendra)
Kanchanpur, Nepal
YouTube: Anmol Bist

"A garland of gold to the reader, a garland of flowers to the writer, this story will reach Baikuntha"
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